None of the information you provide to us, including your email address, will be sold, given, etc., to anyone without your express consent. Your email address is used to send you specials, newsletters, confirmations, and as a means of verifying your identity for our records only. By completing this form, you allow Bio Sculpture USA to contact you by email or phone. Here’s where you’ll find answers to all your professional questions and information about Bio Sculpture’s complete line of professional gel products. Plus, you’ll have the chance to shop and get WHOLESALE PRICING - online!

To qualify as a professional customer, you must be a USA state board licensed manicurist or cosmetologist. If you're not sure that you qualify, don't hesitate to contact us @ 1800 770 4493. When completing the form as a student, nearing the completion of your training course, be sure to supply your school's name, telephone number, and contact person's name for us to verify that you are a student. Incomplete information will be denied.

*All fields required


*I acknowledge that by submitting this form, I will automatically be subscribed to the Bio Sculpture Pro E-mail List to be notified of all events, sales and promotions. I may unsubscribe at anytime.

PLEASE NOTE: All Professional accounts are subject to verification.
Once your registration has been received, and your USA state board license number has been verified you will receive an e-mail from Bio Sculpture USA indicating your approval into the “Professional Online Store”. Only then… will you be able to “log in” as a Professional in order to purchase “Professional only” products and receive “Professional only” wholesale pricing on other products.
State board license verification can take up to 48 hours (Monday through Friday).